Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Sirsak Annona muricata Guanabana, Graviola [Brasil]

 SirsakAnnona muricataGuanabana, Graviola [Brasil]

Sebuah buah yang terkenal di seluruh sebagian besar dunia, pulp lezat putih sirsak, dengan nada permen buah dan krim halus merupakan hal yang biasa di pasar tropis, tetapi jarang ditemukan segar di tempat lain. Di dalam tipis kasar nya,, daging hijau adalah sebuah massa besar dari pulp krim, biasanya bercampur dengan 50-100 biji hitam.
Keterangan: Umumnya pohon kecil-menengah untuk 8m/25ft.
Ketabahan: Hardy menjadi sekitar 32f.
Tumbuh Lingkungan: Tidak akan bertahan hidup di luar di mana saja di AS benua kecuali di Florida Selatan, di mana ia ditanam secara komersial hanya sampai batas tertentu. pohon Sirsak memerlukan banyak kehangatan dan kelembaban, banyak air, dan akan dibunuh oleh suhu di bawah 32F/0C. Di daerah tropis, soursops tumbuh dari permukaan laut ke 1000m, terutama di daerah lembab dimana pohon tumbuh dengan baik. Sirsak tidak bisa mentolerir air berdiri, dan akarnya dangkal, sehingga tidak memerlukan dasar tanah yang sangat mendalam.
Perbanyakan: Meskipun banyak kultivar bernama, soursops umumnya tumbuh dari biji. Pohon juga dapat diperbanyak dengan okulasi dan tunas metode. Cangkok pohon apel cherimoya dan gula (dan sebaliknya) ke sirsak sejauh ini telah berhasil. Sirsak benih dapat disimpan selama beberapa bulan sebelum tanam. Perkecambahan biji biasanya memakan waktu tiga minggu, tetapi dalam kondisi sub-optimal dapat tertunda sampai 2-3 bulan. Bibit usia 6-9 bulan biasanya cukup besar akan dipersiapkan di lapangan, atau digunakan sebagai batang bawah untuk okulasi.
Kegunaan: The Sirsak biasanya diolah menjadi es krim, sherbets dan minuman, tetapi varietas-bebas serat sering dimakan mentah. Itu, besar memanjang, buah agak ovaloid, bisa sampai 12 "panjang dan 6" lebar dan biasanya berat beberapa kilo. Buah ini tercakup dalam duri menonjol kecil yang mudah putus saat buah sudah masak. Yang tipis, dimakan, kasar luka kulit hijau mudah untuk menghasilkan jumlah besar krim berwarna, wangi, juicy, dan agak berserat, daging dimakan. Sebuah sirsak mana saja yang khas berisi 3-20 biji hitam-coklat, masing-masing sekitar 1 / 2 "panjang dan 1 / 4" lebar dan tertutup dalam sebuah "saku" terpisah dari daging. Ada dikenal varietas tanpa biji, tapi mereka jarang, dan cenderung memiliki daging berserat. Sirsak's diproses menjadi baik es krim, sherbets dan minuman di sebagian besar Amerika Tengah dan Selatan. varietas Sweet buah bisa dimakan mentah, dan sering digunakan untuk makanan penutup. Hari ini, Sirsak es krim, dipasarkan dengan nama Spanyol-nya "Guanabana," dapat ditemukan di beberapa supermarket gourmet. Diawetkan dalam sirup sirsak juga dapat ditemukan di pasar banyak etnis. Pulp kaleng dapat bubur atau dicampur di rumah, dan mudah berubah menjadi gurun lezat, meskipun pulp segar lebih diinginkan. Tanaman belum soursops sering dimasak, dan dimakan sebagai sayuran. Daun dan akar pohon itu memiliki sifat berbagai obat. Soursops tinggi kadar vitamin B1, B2 dan C.
Range asli: Native ke Hindia Barat, sirsak hari ini telah menyebar di seluruh daerah tropis lembab dan banyak ditanam secara komersial.DARI: http://www.tradewindsfruit.com/soursop.htm

Seeds Now Available!
Annona muricata    
a.k.a. Guanabana, Graviola    

A well-known fruit throughout much of the world, the soursop's delicious white pulp, with tones of fruit candy and smooth cream is commonplace in tropical markets, but is rarely found fresh anywhere else. Inside its thin, leathery, green flesh is a large mass of creamy pulp, usually intermixed with 50-100 black seeds.

Description: Generally a small-medium tree to 8m/25ft.

Hardiness: Hardy to about 32F.

Growing Environment: Will not survive outside anywhere in the continental US except in Southern Florida, where it is grown commercially only to a limited extent. Soursop trees require much warmth and humidity, lots of water, and will be killed by temperatures below 32F/0C. In the tropics, soursops are grown from sea level to 1000m, particularly in humid regions where the tree grows particularly well. Soursop's cannot tolerate standing water, and its roots are shallow, so it does not require a very deep soil base.

Propagation: Despite many named cultivars, soursops are commonly grown from seed. Trees can also be propagated by grafting and budding methods. Grafting of cherimoya and sugar apple trees (and vice versa) onto soursop has thus far been unsuccessful. Soursop seeds can be stored for several months before planting. Germination of seeds usually takes three weeks, but under sub-optimal conditions can be delayed for up to 2-3 months. Seedlings of 6-9 month age are usually large enough to be set out in the field, or used as rootstocks for grafting.

Uses: The Soursop is usually processed into ice creams, sherbets and drinks, but fiber-free varieties are often eaten raw. The large, elongated, somewhat ovaloid fruit, can be up to 12" long and 6" wide and usually weighs several pounds. The fruit is covered in small knobby spines that easily break off when the fruit is ripe. The thin, inedible, leathery green skin cuts easily to yield the large mass of cream colored, fragrant, juicy, and somewhat fibrous, edible flesh. A typical soursop contains anywhere from 30-200 black-brown seeds, each about 1/2" long and 1/4" wide and enclosed in a separate "pocket" of flesh. There are known seedless varieties, but they are rare, and tend to have fibrous flesh. Soursop's are processed into excellent ice creams, sherbets and beverages throughout much of Central and South America. Sweet varieties of the fruit can be eaten raw, and are often used for dessert. Today, Soursop ice cream, marketed under its Spanish name "Guanabana," can be found in some gourmet supermarkets. Preserved soursop in syrup can also be found in many ethnic markets. The canned pulp can be pureed or blended in the home, and easily transformed into a delicious desert, although fresh pulp is more desirable. Immature soursops are often cooked, and eaten as a vegetable. The leaves and roots of the tree have various medicinal properties. Soursops are high in vitamins B1, B2 and C.

Native Range: Native to the West Indies, today the soursop has spread throughout the humid tropics and is widely grown commercially.
FROM : http://www.tradewindsfruit.com/soursop.htm

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